‘pomeranian perspective’ created with hipstamatic app
february 1st, 2011
the go to iphone photo app for retro analog
toy camera creativity in a digital package
Hipstamatic was one of the first ‘retro’ camera applications on the scene, and update after update it continues to make competitors in this category look like poor imitations. Users can define and combine film, lens, and flash filters for a multitude of nostalgic cross processing effects, which ironically enough creates a fresh perspective on even the ordinary and mundane.
Spoiled, impatient, and complacent in our over saturated real time preview speed and greed; this ‘shooting blind’ platform can take some getting used to, and may not be for the faint of heart. – However, it is well worth the attitude adjustment if you miss the unpredictable happy accidents of lomography or Polaroid : Those good ole days when you fashioned pinhole cameras out of empty discarded containers, and hauled around a Holga for your Cartier-Bresson decisive moment.
- mix and match film, lens, and flash fx for unique and often unexpected results
- utilize lens features for tone and saturation variation
- film attributes define frame and texture (a few also influence final hue)
- optional flash control for further impact
- platform includes internal library and creates files imprinted with style info for future reference
- users can select and store several personalized shooting modes
favorite feature: continued product/feature updates and large active online community
chief complaint: In the app scheme of things the initial cost can be a deterrent when each modality is priced individually. However; they do offer bundles for beginners, and the final products achieved are obviously not the result of a one hit wonder driven program.
update: Currently using a Sony Xperia android smartphone and haven’t found anything similar that satisfies my Hipstamtic cravings… Considering the android market is more than established now, I’m not sure why the developers aren’t taking advantage of it and offering an android version for fans such as myself. Might have to try out the new iPhone models once I’m eligible for an upgrade again; even though I can still use many of my favorite editing apps on my iPad I’m finding that several of my favorite apps are iPhone exclusive. (11/04/14)
update: Returned to iPhone & iPad and couldn’t be happier. (12/06/15)